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Openlayers 3 in Coresight

I have been reading Marcos Vainer Loeff over on PISquare about his google maps symbol in Coresight. This great article inspired me to write nearly the same but then with the open source libraries OpenStreetMap and Openlayers. Since OSIsoft released the 2016 version of Coresight, I am a big fan. I can see where they are going, and … Continue reading

Using App Inventor to create my son’s game

I like writing apps. Getting all dirty and nerdy. But I can hardly ever find something to make an app for. I sometimes have an idea, and then I think it is too related to my day job. Then I get an idea and I finally conclude it’s actually a web site that just should … Continue reading

What I wanted for the Hoofdpijndagboek

Simple and easy headache attack input. Calendar storage. Medication is not related to a migraine attack. Graphical indication of pain regions. How attacks affect other appointments.